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Phrasal Verbs: RUN

Os "temidos" phrasal verbs (verbos frasais, em inglês) são mesmo um capítulo a parte no aprendizado! Na língua inglesa há milhares deles e é importante ficar familiarizado com alguns deles, para ganhar mais fluência e entender muitas conversas informais.
Mas não se desespere, vamos por partes! Hoje vamos falar sobre os phrasal verbs com o verbo irregular RUN (run-ran-run):
- RUN ACROSS = Achar ou encontrar algo inesperado.
I ran across some old photos while I was cleaning my house.
- RUN AFTER = Buscar, Perseguir
Mother was running after her three children all day.
- RUN AGAINST = Competir emu ma eleição
OBAMA ran against McCAIN in the 2008 U.S. elections and won.
- RUN ALONG = Ir embora, Sair
“Run along and play outside," said mother, as she had housework to do.
- RUN AWAY =Escapar, Fugir de casa,
The child ran away because her parents beat her.
- RUN DOWN = A. Achar, descobrir B. Criticar C. Atropelar com um carro D. Ficar muito fraco, cansado.
A. Have you run down those names on the voter list?
B. I know a guy who runs everyone down.
C. My cat was run down yesterday.
D. My wife was really run down after the holidays
- RUN FOR = Fazer campanha para um official do governo.
I was thinking about running for mayor.
- RUN IN = A. Inserir ou incluir como algo extra. B. Fazer uma visita casual. C. (Slang)Preso, interrogado pela polícia
A.Please, run in an illustration next to the first paragraph.
B. We ran in for an hour
C. My neighbour was run in for shoplifting last week.
- RUN INTO = Encontrar inesperadamente.
I ran into my English teacher at the movies last night. She's so nice!
- RUN OFF = A. Fazer uma licença B. Fazer cópias, imprimir C. Sair rapidamente D. Escorrer, jorrar
A. The new government is trying to run the hawkers off.
B. Would you mind running off 10 copies of this document for me?
C. Why did you run off after the party?
D. You shouldn't swim where the sewage runs off into the ocean.
- RUN OUT OF = Não ter mais
When mother ran out of milk, she would send me to the store.
- RUN OUT ON = deixar sem condições
She ran out on him leaving him to pay the rent and all the bills.
- RUN OVER = A. Ler ou reviser rapidamente. B. Atropelar, Colidir
A. Let's run over our lines for the school play.
B. Sadly, the car ran over a cat
- RUN THROUGH = A.Ensaiar, revisar rapidamente. B. Consumir rapidamente
A. He ran through his notes before the big meeting.
B. In 2 hours, she ran through all her money
- RUN UP = A. Aumentar
He ran up a huge phone bill when he went to the army.
- RUN TO = Pedir ajuda para alguém
He ran to his uncle for financial help during the crisis.
- RUN WITH = Fazer compania,
He runs with a rough crowd, no wonder he ended up in jail.
Faça um teste:
1) He ran ________ without paying the bill. ( = sair rapidamente, “de fininho”)
( ) up
( ) off
( ) down
2) Let's run ________ ( = rápida revisão) this week's releases.
( ) up
( ) through
( ) behind
3) "Guess who I ran ____ the other day?" "You're mother-in-law."
( ) into
( ) up
( ) over
E agora, mais confiante de usar as variantes dos phrasal verbs com o verbo RUN? Use bastante durante sua temporada estudando no exterior!