Due to the recent pandemic, Kaplan International Languages offers online courses to students aged 16 and above and in junior groups to students aged 12 to 17. The safeguarding of children is paramount at Kaplan, whether they’re online or at an in-person school. With this in mind, we have a list of regulations that are applicable to all U18 students.
If you require any further information, then please do not hesitate to contact a student advisor for more information.
All staff and students must use their full name for their zoom ID.
All students will be taken to a waiting room before accessing the class so that staff can ensure the correct people are present.
Private messaging between students is not permitted.
Teachers will circulate between break out rooms during group work.
All breakout rooms will have at least 3 students in them.
Only English is used on all digital platforms.
Staff are encouraged to use a neutral background for all classes.
All students and staff are required to dress appropriately for classes.
E-safety is included in new students’ induction.
Courses contain activities raising awareness of digital literacy.
All teachers are trained in Safeguarding with specific reference to online learning and cyber bullying.
Students have access to a welfare manager and can contact them via the online platform.
Students are unable to record lessons or share screens.
Students are encouraged to keep their camera on at all times.
All students are required to follow the online code of conduct at all times.
No information other than name or email is stored on K+ Online.
Students aged 12-13 are accompanied on longer journeys to and from school and during their activities
Travel to and from homestay to school for students aged 14 to 17 is independent
24-hour emergency phone and information on what students do if they have any difficulties
Host families also have the emergency phone numbers and will alert the school immediately if a student is not home by the arranged time/curfew
Students may study with students aged 18 and above
There is no supervision of students during lunch/breaks
All schools have a designated safeguarding lead that have responsibility for the safety of students under the age of 18
Activities are scheduled in all schools that are suitable for Under 18 students to participate in and inform them about learning and socialising outside of the classroom. Under 16's closed groups have their own scheduled programme and activities, it is compulsory students attend these, at other times will be supervised by their Group Leader
Make sure that all Under 18 students are back with their host family or in the residence for their evening meal and by curfew time at night.
For Under 18 students that wish to stay overnight or for short periods with friends and family they will only be permitted if there is approval from parents/ legal guardian and the person they wish to stay with.
Please see the full Safeguarding Policy for more information.
All schools have activities scheduled that are appropriate for students under 18.
Closed groups under the age of 16 also have their own dedicated programme and activities which they have to attend as part of their course.
All of the home stay options we offer for our younger students have been carefully chosen and are subject to regular visits and assessments to make sure they are suitable for students under 18.
All hosts are given training and guidance on how to deal with welfare related issues and make sure that they can provide the meet the responsibilities of the high duty of care to their guests.
Our younger students get as much supervision as possible and we have systems and procedures in place to ensure they are always safe.