7 Bombastic Words For Your Essays | Good Vocabulary

It’s not easy trying to write an essay in a language that is not your native tongue. If you’re planning on studying abroad in an English-speaking country, you’re going to have to get used to completing assignments in English. When writing an essay, you’ll use different terminology than you would if you were speaking with your friends or your classmates. We’ve put together a list of some of the most impressive words you can include in your essay writing in English. Take a look and see how many you can use.
1. Indeed
A term used by academics. Put this word at the beginning of a sentence and no one will ever question whether your point is correct or not. It is a way to let people know you are 100% sure of what you are saying.
Example: Indeed, Shakespeare was one of the most famous writers of his time.
2. Nonetheless
For every argument you make in an essay, the opposite arguments must also be made so you can prove that your side of the argument is more correct. This is where the word nonetheless comes in. It says that in spite of the opposite argument, the point of your essay is still valid.
Example: Their donation was quite small. Nonetheless, it was for a worthy cause.
3. Thus
Short, but elegant. This means “as a result of,” or “due to this.” Thus is a great word that can be used to begin your concluding sentence.
Example: I crossed the finish line first, thus becoming the winner
4. Furthermore
This word is perfect for combining ideas; furthermore lets people know that you are adding more information to a sentence without sounding too boring about it.
Example: Paris is a great place to visit because of its scenery. Furthermore, it has beautiful summers.”
5. Anomaly
An anomaly is something that stands out from the rest of your argument. If you have a series of results, or a list of objects, and a particular result does not fit in with the rest, then this is an anomaly.
Example: All of the results fit my theory, except for one anomaly, which appears to disagree.
6. Methodology
The “must-have” word of any academic essay. If your essay has an argument, how did you get to it? Whether you read a few books, or conducted an extensive set of interviews and studies, the way you form your argument sounds instantly smarter by calling it your methodology.
Example: The methodology I used for this essay was complicated yet revealing.
7. Concur
To agree with, or to be of the same opinion. This can be very useful in an essay when going through the opinions of other researchers and/or academics.
Example: A selection of academics concur that the results show and increase in city pollution.