イギリスで仕事を探すなら語学学校からも遅くない! " take a leap of faith"「なんとかなる!」イタリア人卒業生のインタビュー
Claudio De Chiricoは、2014年にイタリア・ローマからここイギリス・リバプールにあるカプランに半年ほど留学しました。
Claudio De Chiricoがイギリスに渡る前、彼は相当な時間を使って自分が学ぶ大学やロケーションをリサーチしたそうです。
現在、Claudio De Chiricoはリバプールで仕事を得て、ここで暮らしているのです。
Claudio : " take a leap of faith"「なんとかなる!」

This month, I am very lucky to be able to tell you about one of our true success stories. Last Wednesday, I went to see one of our oldest students. He came here from Rome in Italy in 2014. He studied in Kaplan for six months. I asked him a few questions about his experience.
Firstly, his name is Claudio De Chirico. He is a very friendly, kind hearted and honest man. I think he is a good example for anyone who is thinking of moving to a new country to develop their English language. Before he came here, he studied at home and did a lot of research about many different locations and colleges. He chose Liverpool because he thought it sounded like the most interesting location. He told me that he loved the time he spent in Kaplan. He met lots of new people, he developed his English language and he said the teachers were all amazing too.
While he was studying, he went on most of the social activities. He advices new students to go to class and he says it is equally as important to get involved with the days and nights organised by our social programme managers. He says "you can practise what you learn when you go on the social programme and make new friends in English" He still speaks with some his friends from Kaplan. At the moment, he works and lives in Liverpool. He works in a very good company and he is a manager. Him and his wife have just had their first child and they happily live here together in Liverpool.
Claudio says: " take a leap of faith". Come to Kaplan Liverpool to make your dreams come true, make new friends and start a new life in English. We all hope to see you here soon. We are an international community of good people who all love learning.