
Akiko: Hi Melanie, I heard you were in Japan recently. Did you have a nice time there?
Melanie: Yeah, I had a fantastic time in Japan. I saw so many beautiful places in Tokyo.
Akiko:While you were visiting different places in Tokyo, how did you get around?
Melanie: I took the subway. I’ve never seen a map as complicated as Tokyo.
Akiko: Yeah, even for me as a Japanese person, I still get lost sometimes.
Melanie: I also experienced the world-famous Japanese rush hour!

Akiko: That must have been a unique experience. I used to commute to work by subway in Tokyo and that’s the thing I miss the least about Japan.
Melanie: How’s the transportation system in London? Do you see any differences there?
Akiko: There are both similarities and differences.
The similarities are we both use prepaid smart cards, such as Suica in Tokyo and Oyster card in London.Melanie: Oh yeah, I saw that card with a little Penguin on it. You can top up (load) your card once your balance is low, right?
Akiko: Yes, there is also a Pay As You Go system in London where people use their bank card to ride the tube. How about the transportation system in Philadelphia?
Melanie: We have a transportation system called SEPTA. It’s more or less the same with the card system, called a Key Card. We also have a thing called tokens.
Melanie:フィラデルフィアにはSEPTA(セプタ)っていうシステムがあって、大体カードシステムと同じでKey Card(キーカード)って言うの。あと、token(トークン)と呼ばれるものもあるわ。

Akiko: How do tokens work?
Melanie: Well, we have a flat fare for underground transportation system which means anywhere you go it’s only $2.50. I guess tokens are for people who are in Philadelphia in short period of time. You can also pay with cash (but be careful because you won't get change), or you can buy a day pass to use the whole day. Also, tokens are going to disappear soon and we will only use the Key cards, which work as a weekly or monthly pass, or "pay as you go".
Akiko: Ah, that’s very interesting. The fare system is different everywhere. London’s underground is divided into zones and the fare depends on the zones you are travelling. Whereas in Tokyo, the fare depends on the distance between the stations you get on and you get off.
Melanie: It is different. That’s why we always take extra time to teach students how to use public transportation on their arrival.