最新・イギリスのレストラン事情!イギリス人と美味しい関係。 ~今最も美味しいレストラン・リバプール3選~

ここ、イギリス リバプールには、驚くほど活気あり、興味をそそるレストランがあるの。今日は私のなかでお気に入り3店舗をご紹介します。大体、美味しいところには、雰囲気が良くてオシャレなひとがいるのはつきもの。美味しいものをリバプールっ子は“grub””Scran”とかいいます。
Ghetto Golf(ゲットー ゴルフ)
ちょうど先日の土曜日に1か月くらい前にオープンしたばかりの”Ghetto Golf”(ミニゴルフ場と、アート、食べ物があるお店)に行ったんだけど、ここが最高。

New World(ニュー ワールド)
You'll see how we have many energetic and fun types of restaurants to choose from. I have spoken to you about some restaurants before so today I am going to introduce you to three of my favourite restaurants.
In these places you can meet many charming and friendly people and try absolutely tasty meals. In Liverpool we call also call food "grub" or "scran". Last Saturday, I went to a place called Ghetto Golf. It is my new favourite place. It opened one month ago. I had barbeque burger, cheese strips instead of chips, coleslaw salad to eat and a shandy (half beer, half lemonade) to drink. I went there for lunch with my friend. Next time I am going to play golf there too. The music was amazing, the people were fantastic and the food was amazing. They have a garden with palm trees where you can eat, speak and relax.
And then, one of my other favourite places is in China Town. We have the first China Town in Europe here. There is a restaurant called New World. Its is open until very late and they serve the most amazing hot pots.
Another really good and healthy restaurant is called Sanskruti. It is a vegetarian and vegan restaurant. It is an Indian restaurant located around the corner from Kaplan International College. You can walk there from school in 2 or 3 minutes. It is perfect for lunch or an early evening meal. The prices are not expensive in any of the restaurants and you can usually get a 3 course meal with a drink for about 15 to 20 pounds.
I recommend my students to go for at least one meal each week with friends to meet new people, make new friends and try new dishes. When you are here you can join in all the fun feasts.