English Courses in the USA

Pursue the American Dream: Choose from fantastic destinations in the United States

Make your dreams come true and achieve your goals

Improve your language skills as you discover the fascinating American culture

New York


  • Study in the heart of iconic cities like New York or within walking distance of California beaches.
  • Courses with flexible duration and Guaranteed Academic Progression.
  • Programs for professionals 30+ in New York school.
  • Programs to improve English and for academic or professional purposes.
  • Free university placement service.
  • K + Live online English course based on the Kaplan immersive methodology
Students in San Francisco-Berkeley


Choose one of our course + accommodation packages or create one with the help of a consultant and organize the best experience ever! Get XXX% off all courses in the United States and Canada now! Secure a place by paying a deposit a deposit of about $XXX by contacting a consultant.

Examples of packages

Save up to XXX% on the price of your course from one week! Speak to an advisor before [Date] to claim your discount

Offers are valid for residents of [Country], [Country] and [Country]


  • General Course
  • Host family + registration and accommodation fees
4 Weeks from
Los Angeles


  • General Course
  • Host family + registration and accommodation fees
4 Weeks from
New York


  • General Course
  • Host family + registration and accommodation fees
4 Weeks from
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