
2016年の大統領選に出馬したJohn Kasich氏が、ニューヨークに選挙活動で訪れたとき、彼はピザをフォークとナイフで食べたと報道されたんだ。その報道から間もなくして彼は敢え無く落選。
アメリカは、一都市に必ずとても美味しいピザがある。しかも大抵一切れから食べられる(ホールでじゃなくてね)僕が住むサンフランシスコ『ノースビーチ』でイタリア移民が暮らしているエリアがあって、ここのピザは本当に美味しい!どれくらい美味しいかって?僕の働くKaplan international schoolを訪ねてもらえたら、延々とかたるよ。

If you ask a group of Americans which city in their country has the best pizza, the conversation will quickly turn from a friendly argument to a violent screaming match. The concept of pizza both unites and divides the American people along lines of ethnic background, social class, geography, politics, and almost every other facet of American life. Be very careful when asking this question.
The first source of conflict relates to toppings. At every pizza restaurant in every American city, you’ll find some standard combinations – margherita (mozzarella, tomatoes, basil), pepperoni and sausage, pesto (Italian green sauce), white pizza (garlic sauce instead of tomato), veggie (all vegetables), and the highly controversial Hawaiian (ham and pineapple). Americans are extremely opinionated about their choice of pizza toppings. If you like a topping that your American friend does not like, this could cause problems in your friendship as time goes on.
Second, there is the question of how to properly eat a slice of pizza. In 2016, presidential candidate John Kasich made a trip to New York City and ate a slice of pizza with a knife and fork. Shortly after, he lost the election. People in New York eat slices of pizza by folding them in half and using their hands. In San Francisco, there are some expensive pizza restaurants where people will only eat the slices with a knife and fork. As of 2017, the jury is still out on the proper way to eat pizza, and no resolution is in sight.
In the end, every city in America has at least one excellent pizza shop. At most of them, you can get pizza “by the slice”, which means you don’t have to get the whole pie. The North Beach neighborhood in San Francisco is the old Italian district, and every pizza shop there is great. If you come to Kaplan San Francisco, I will tell you about all of my favorites, but be prepared for a long speech. I will take questions at the end.
- Screaming match:罵り合い
If you ask a group of Americans which city in their country has the best pizza, the conversation will quickly turn from a friendly argument to a violent screaming match.
- the jury is still out: (...について)の結論はまだ出ていない。、(...を)どうするかまだ決まっていない。
The jury is still out on the proper way to eat pizza, and no resolution is in sight.
- by the slice: 一切れ、1枚
you can get pizza by the slice.