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Inglese per viaggiare: frasi da usare per i trasporti

Qualsiasi sia la tua destinazione quando viaggi, che sia un soggiorno studio all'estero o un semplice viaggio di piacere, ti troverai spesso a dover chiedere informazioni in aeroporto o in stazione. Aggiungere un bagaglio, il gate da raggiungere per l'imbarco o comprare il biglietto per il prossimo treno sono tutte situazioni in cui dovrai interagire e noi ti spieghiamo come farlo in questo post.

Alla stazione dei treni o del bus
Ecco una selezione delle domande che portesti ritrovarti a fare in una stazione, complete di relative risposte:
You: Where's the ticket office?
Passer-by or clerk: It's close to the main entrance, on the right hand corner of the station.
You: Where do I get the bus/train to Cambridge from?
Passer-by or clerk: You will get it at platform 10.
You: What time's the next bus/train/ferry to Portsmouth?
Passer-by or clerk: It's at 10 o'clock
You: How long does the journey take?
Passer-by or clerk: It takes about 1 hour.
You: What time do we arrive?
Passer-by or clerk: You will arrive at 12.30pm.
Ecco un mini dialogo che potresti invece avere con un impiegato della biglietteria:
You: Hello. I would like two tickets to Oxford, please, for the 8:00 am train.
Clerk: First or second-class?
You: What's the difference in price between the two?
Clerk: First class tickets are £45 each and second-class tickets are £33 each.
You: I'll take two second-class tickets. Can I buy the return tickets now as well?
Clerk: Yes, of course. If you like...When would you like to come back?
You: Is there a train that leaves Manchester in the afternoon on Monday?
Clerk: Yes... there's a train from Manchester to London leaving daily at 4:00 PM... Would you like me to book two tickets for you?
You: Yes, please do. Second-class as well.
Tra le cose che un impiegato allo sportello potrebbe comunicarti c'è che il mezzo è stato cancellato o è in ritardo.
Clerk: We are sorry Madame/Sir, this bus/train/ferry/ flight has been cancelled/ delayed.

Ecco un esempio di mini dialogo che potresti avere al check-in al momento in cui dovrai mostrare i documenti e consegnare il bagaglio:
Clerk: Where are you flying today?
You: I'm flying to London, England.
Clerk: Can I see your ticket and your passport, please?
You: Sure. Here's my passport. And here's my e-ticket.
Clerk: Thank you. Would you like a window seat?
You: Yes, please.
Clerk: Is all this luggage yours?
You: These two bags are mine.
Clerk: All right. One of your bags is overweight. I'll have to charge you for the excess weight.
You: I see. How much extra do I have to pay? And can I pay by credit card?
Clerk: The amount due is £30. You can pay by card also.
You: Fine. I'll pay by card. Thanks.
All'aeroporto potresti ritrovarti a dover chiedere molte altre informazioni. Ecco alcune domande e risposte utili:
You: Hi, where's the check-in counter for British Airlines?
Clerk: That's in terminal 2. This is terminal 1.
You: Is there a shuttle bus that goes between terminals?
Clerk: Yes, there's one right in front here.
You: Where is my gate?
Clerk: the gate G12 is straight ahead.
You: Where is the restroom?
Passer-by or clerk: It's this/that way.
You: How much time should I allow to check in?
Clerk: As you're on an international flight you have to check-in 3 hours before your flight.
You: Where is the currency exchange?
Passer-by or clerk: There's one right in front in front of the information desk.
You: Where is the ATM?
Passer-by or clerk: You'll find one exactly in front of the main exit door, on your right.
You: Where is the bus stop?
Passer-by or clerk: Once you are outside you'll find the bus stop on your right.
You: How do you get to the London City centre?
Passer-by or clerk: You can get to the London City centre by bus or by train.
You: Can you show me on a map how to get there?
Passer-by or clerk: Yes, sure. Let me show you.
You: How far is it to Manchester?
Passer-by or clerk: It's 2 hours by fast train.
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