生徒達がこの質問をしてくる時いつも僕は、「Googleで“Thanksgiving Dinner”を検索してみて」と伝えるんだ。多くのアメリカ人にとって、これが伝統的なアメリカンフードと考えられるんじゃないかな。


There are many different kinds of American people and there is no one specific group of people that represents the country’s ethnicity. For this reason, you may find that it is very difficult for Americans to explain what traditional American food is. Whenever students ask me this question, though, I always tell them to do a Google search for “Thanksgiving dinner.” For many Americans, this could be considered traditional American food.
The first “Thanksgiving” was a dinner that took place in the 17th Century between a group of English settlers called the “Pilgrims” and a local native tribe called the “Patuxet” in what is now Massachusetts. The Pilgrims had been struggling to survive until the Patuxet showed them how to plant squash and corn. To say “thank you”, the pilgrims invited the Patuxet over for dinner. Present-day Americans try to replicate what may have been eaten at this first Thanksgiving dinner: roasted vegetables, turkey with gravy and cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. (Of course, this story is probably more complicated than I have explained here. A lot of books have been written about the historical realities of the first Thanksgiving.)
Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel seasons in the United States. People will travel across the entire country in order to visit their extended family for dinner. If you are in a big American city for Thanksgiving, I recommend going to the “Thanksgiving Day Parade.” Almost every city has one, but the one in New York City is the most famous. San Francisco has a large parade as well. My favorite memory of Thanksgiving is watching the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade from my grandma’s window when I was eight. American family members often live very far away from one another, so Thanksgiving is one of the only times during the year when we get to see our relatives.